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You are an employer looking for new staff? The CJE St-Laurent offers a visibility for offered position. Send us your job offer today!

You are an employer looking for new staff? The CJE St-Laurent offers a visibility for offered position. Send us your job offer today!

Horizon Gestion de résidences offers many job opportunities. To apply, click on the link below!

Job offer

Revenu Québec is looking for a customer service technician

Job offer

Revenu Québec is looking for a tax audit technician

Offre d.emploi

Terrapure BR is looking for a scale operator.

Job offer

Succès Scolaire is looking for a tutor.

Job offer

UPS is looking for a driver.

Job offer

UPS is looking for a part time driver

Our partners

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Whatever your project, the CJE St-Laurent is there to help you!