About CJE St-Laurent
The CJE St-Laurent has been active in the Laurentian landscape for more than 20 years. While acting in the community, the organisation has been involved the population and individuals. Here is a brief history of the last 20 years of the CJE St-Laurent.
The CJE St-Laurent has been active in the Laurentian landscape for more than 20 years. While acting in the community, the organisation has been involved the population and individuals. Here is a brief history of the last 20 years of the CJE St-Laurent.

In the millennial year, the Laurentian community was looking to start up a project in order to partake in developing local workforce as well as in Saint-Laurent’s economic, social and cultural development.
In October 2000, an implementation request for the Carrefour jeunesse emploi Saint-Laurent was sent to the Ministre d’État au Travail et à l’Emploi. This request was seconded by MNAs Jacques P. Dupuis (Saint-Laurent) and Yvan Bordeleau (Acadie), coordinated by the Chambre de Commerce de Saint-Laurent and developed in collaboration with Saint-Laurent’s public and broader public community-based social organizations.
At the start of 2001, the Chambre de Commerce de Saint-Laurent received an approval from the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale du Québec. A provisional board of trustees was therefore created and the letters patent of the Carrefour jeunesse emploi Saint-Laurent were signed on February 23, 2001.
Public consultations took place during that same year. These consultations allowed community, institutional, governmental and municipal partners as well as private businesses to target five main focuses for the Carrefour jeunesse emploi Saint-Laurent: immigrants, women in ethnocultural groups, youth at risk of dropping out of school, people without income, and Saint-Laurent Anglophones. On March 18, 2002, the Carrefour jeunesse emploi Saint-Laurent finally opened its doors and welcomed its first participants.
In May 2016, after 15 years of existence, the Carrefour jeunesse emploi Saint-Laurent received the medal of the Ordre des Grands Laurentiens in the Organization category. Its exceptional contribution to the community, the innovative projects and the unwavering commitment to Laurentian youth were brought to light during the awards ceremony.
The Carrefour jeunesse emploi Saint-Laurent is governed by the third part of Quebec’s Companies Act, and its board of trustees comprises nine trustee positions. The board ensures the preservation and defence of independent local management, specific local needs, accessibility for different at-risk clienteles and the complementarity of existing services, just to name a few. The board of trustees also aims to guarantee that the community’s young adults have access to innovative services and projects that lead to developing ties with local partners.
The Carrefour jeunesse emploi Saint-Laurent is a member of the Comité des organismes sociaux de Saint-Laurent (COSSL), the Chambre de Commerce et d’industrie de Saint-Laurent.